SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Jennifer Ulmer's 2001 Mustang LX
Please meet Jennifer Ulmer, our very own Miss GurleyStang. Although the name is cute, don't let it fool you, for her car is far from girley. In fact, this Orangeburg, South Carolina native turns heads daily in this tricked out steed." Ever since I was a little girl I have loved Mustangs.  I don't really know what started it all but I'm guessing that I just knew how beautiful they were at an early age.  Mustangs were all I talked about and all that I wanted." ...
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Which is the most performance restrictive aspect of a stock 87-95 5.0?
The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
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The Stock Intake.
Result: 14%
Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
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Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
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[03/03/2002] Pro 5.0 great, Steve Grebeck, dies in crash during the Orlando Fun Ford Weekend event!

By: -

During elimination''s today at the Fun Ford Weekend 2002 season opener in Orlando, Florida (The Spring Break Shootout) well known Pro 5.0 racer, Steve Grebeck, was killed during elimination''s. Mr. Grebeck, who was in the right lane, was pitted against another well known Pro 5.0 personality, Bill Rimmer, who was in the left lane. During the run, about 1000 feet out, Steve Grebeck''s car suddenly veered to the left and shot across the track and went air born in front of Bill Rimmer''s Pro 5.0 car. Rimmer''s car hit Grebeck''s race car at over 200 MPH, causing Grebeck''s car to be hurled 15 to 20 feet into the air nose up. Some reports also have it that after impact the fuel cell on Grebeck''s car ripped open and caught on fire. Rimmer''s car ended up crossing the finish line slidding and still lit the time boards up with a 7.19 elapsed time.

Emergency personnel rushed to the scene, but Mustang Works was told that Steve Grebeck was already dead from massive head and bodily injuries. Regardless, Mr. Grebeck was air lifted to the hospital, while Bill Rimmer was not seriously injured.

This accident comes after at least the final round of Pro 5.0 qualifying was not run on Saturday due to 20 to 30 MPH wind gusts at the tracks location. We have heard rumors that it was questioned whether the Pro 5.0 eliminations would be raced due to continued winds, but it eventual was. However, it is not known at this time for sure if a strong wind gust was the cause leading to this tragic accident.

Regardless, the track has been shut down and the event has been canceled. This is due to Florida state investigators being brought in to investigate this tragic accident. It was announced that the event will be finished next month during the Fun Ford Weekend event in Commerce, Georgia. We will keep everyone updated to further information as it becomes available.

All of our prayers and sympathy go out to the entire Grebeck family, Bill Rimmer, and all the Pro 5.0 racer''s and FFW participants who are effected by this horrible tragedy.

Although we realize that the photos below may be of a sensitive nature to those directly effected by this tragedy and we are sensitive to the family of Steve Grebeck, we have decided to post them. This is because they are part of the news of what happened and we know that the bulk of our readership will want to see what happened visually. Viewing them is at your own choice.

Crash Video:

Download Real Video Player
Track Side View (Real Video - 3.3 Mb HQ)
Track Side View (MPEG - 10.3 Mb HQ)
Orlando Channel 6 News Video Coverage (Real Video - 245 K LQ)

Crash Photos:  Grebeck and Rimmer launch | Grebeck and Rimmer crash | Grebeck''s Car | Grebeck''s hood | Rimmer''s Car (rear) | Rimmer''s car (front)


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