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Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Jennifer Ulmer's 2001 Mustang LX
Please meet Jennifer Ulmer, our very own Miss GurleyStang. Although the name is cute, don't let it fool you, for her car is far from girley. In fact, this Orangeburg, South Carolina native turns heads daily in this tricked out steed." Ever since I was a little girl I have loved Mustangs.  I don't really know what started it all but I'm guessing that I just knew how beautiful they were at an early age.  Mustangs were all I talked about and all that I wanted." ...
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The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
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The Stock Intake.
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Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
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Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
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[05/01/2002] WFC5 is Coming!

By: -

May 15, 1998 was the beginning of Ford Drag Racing''s revolution, the World Ford Challenge made history on that date and 5 years later it continues to be the biggest race of the year. World Ford Challenge 5 takes place on May 16-19 at Gateway International Raceway in St. Louis, MO. History always repeats itself and WFC 5 will once again rotate the earth with amazing performances on the race track, sparkling show cars at the Auto Show Spectacular, and smoking deals on the Manufacturer''s Midway.

Racers better fire up their cars as there is over $142,000 of guaranteed purse up for grabs. The headlining classes will of course be the 5.0 Mustang and Super Fords Magazine Pro Mod 5.0 class and the amazing Edelbrock Pro Street Outlaw ten-inch tire freak show. Pro Mod 5.0 is where the most powerful Mustangs compete. As one competitor puts it, "These are simply small block Pro Mod cars." So far in 2002 the fastest cars have all ready run in the 6-second zone at well over 200 miles per hour. Anyone who knows Pro Street Outlaw knows these cars are on the edge of insanity. How out of control are these wild 10.5-inch tired cars? How about 7-second ETs at over 180 miles per hour.

WFC once again revolutionized the Edelbrock Pro Street Outlaw class and for the first time in history, backhalf cars are allowed and the class is now opened for many old school Pro 5.0 rides and Super Street Mustangs. As if that is not enough, expect NHRA Pro Stock legend "Bob Glidden" to take on the hottest group of small tires racers with his son Bill Glidden''s 1990 Mustang GT! He is on the top of the list of confirmed racers, as he and Billy will combine efforts to go for a double win. The black GT will be wearing a set of 28x10.5 slicks, which will be combined with a 400+ cubic inch nitrous engine
and a Liberty 5-speed. In testing, the car has all ready run 7.90 at 184 miles per hour on only the third run down the track with the little tires! Bob Glidden will not have an easy task if you ask defending WFC champ Mike Murillo who will be there defending his title. Dan Millen who totally shocked the world last year with his consistent 7-second runs will also debut his brand new Skinny Kid Race Car constructed 2002 Mustang. The backhalf car has a new powerplant and Millen has his eyes set on breaking the world record. What out Bob!

Vic Williams is bringing his 180 mph Pro Street Outlaw Stang with him to St. Louis and will show everyone that bigger is better with his big block, nitrous combination. Carlo Catalanotto and partner George Gallegos will have their white GT on the property and are thrashing to finish the legendary Baby Blue so that it can make its return to glory at WFC 5. You want to add even crazier action to the Pro Street Outlaw, then be sure to watch Tom Trotter and his clean 93 Cobra shoot for the 7-second zone, you just never know what Trotter will do on a pass. No one knows the 7-second barrier better than Todd Fluman.

There are many first time WFC racers going after the veterans. NMRA record holder Jim Blair became the most feared racer on 10.5 slicks when he blasted out a 7.80. He is ready to take on the WFC crowd for the first time. Longtime Super Street racer, Mark Enwia, will be running ASSC Racing''s Big Red I with a Procharger powered engine under the hood. Big Red I has all ready run 186 miles per hour in competition this season. Another rookie on the WFC scene but no stranger to winning is Gary Rohe. The 2000 GT he owns is getting ready and he promises to run in the 7s with his nitrous small block car. Jeff Tyson of North Carolina will love the St. Louis track since it always hooks hard. Tyson just happens to own the hardest hooking car in the class, can he go 1.19 or faster with the little tires? Only time will tell.

It is time to get all fired up about the World''s Fastest Mustangs. While the Pro Street Outlaw cars put their small slicks to the limit in order to get down the track, the 5.0 Mustang and Super Fords Magazine Pro Mod 5.0 cars seek the limits of how much power a small block Ford can make. Hold on tight to your seats cause these cars make over 2,000 horsepower! That is right, almost ten times the amount of power the car originally made. Billy Glidden and his 6-second Mustang will be going for a three-peat victory. Against all odds he drove his car to the win last year over Chuck Samuel and the year before he survived the onslaught of turbo cars to take the win. Glidden continues to defy the odds while he shows everyone why he is the two time WFC Champion. Also making his return to Pro Mod 5.0 after taking a year off is Canadian Joe Silva! Silva is hungrier than ever, looking to take the title away from Billy with his newly rebuilt, Wolfe Racecraft constructed Mustang. The new car was built with one purpose in mind, to be the fastest Mustang. Also confirmed is the wild team of Jim Summers and Tim Huston, ASSC Racing is debuting their long awaited Big Red III. Brandon Switzer of Nitrous Pro Flow will be banging gears and looking to go to the final round like he did in 2000.

The two most powerful Mustangs currently on the Pro Mod 5.0 scene today will be there, Chuck Samuel and John Gullet. Chuck Samuel and Kevin Marsh responding to the field this year with a new tube chassis car. Despite their little accident a few weeks ago, the car is at Jerry Haas'' shop getting repairs and upgrades and will be fresh out of the chassis shop to go after the $35,000 winning prize money. The two fastest automatic cars in the class are also headed to St. Louis May 16th-19th. Don Walsh Jr. and his wild flamed painted, supercharged Stang will be making the most noise of any Pro Mod 5.0 car out there. The hard hitting, nitrous sucking ex-Pro Stock car of Derrick Smith has the nitrous bottles warming up and filled to the max. Doug Mangrum owns the fastest supercharged Mustang and is not going to miss the opportunity to take out the fastest field and reclaim his 98'' Champ


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