SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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351 Screamer: Lidio Iacobelli is ready to make headlines again
Ok, admit it. At one time or another you've sat around dreaming about the ultimate Mustang you'd like to build. Heads, cam, blower, and nitrous included, of course. What seperates Mustang owners; however, is that some make their dream come true. Some owners have connections, some get sponsers, and most just spend lots of money to make it happen. Then once in a while, someone comes along that not only makes their dream happen, but helps to make ours happen as well. Lidio Iacobelli...
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Which is the most performance restrictive aspect of a stock 87-95 5.0?
The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
Result: 38%
The Stock Intake.
Result: 14%
Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
Result: 2%
Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
Result: 46%

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[10/22/2002] Ventura, California race fans need your help!

By: -

One of our most active members, Chris Bower (aka: PKRWUD) from Peckerwood''s Pit Stop, on our message forums, recently wrote to ask for our help. He informed us that the Ventura Raceway, the local racetrack in Venutra, California, is in jepordy. It seems that a local government committee that oversees the Ventura County Fair Grounds thinks the race track, which resides at the fair gournds, should be closed and bulldozed. Unfortunately, as Chris himself says,

"Racetracks all over the country are disappearing at an alarming rate, and now ours is on the butchers block. There is now a website that is devoted to saving Ventura Raceway, and if you''d like to help, you can. I''m not asking for any money on their behalf (the site does, but you don''t have to worry about it) because there are other ways you can help too. Among them is the ability to download a copy of our petition, which you and your friends and/or co-workers could sign and mail to the Country Fair Board. It doesn''t matter if you are a California resident or not, as we have racers and fans from all over the country that come to race at our track, and their (your) feelings count too!"

Check out the website, and see what it says under Get Involved Now, and if you feel so inclined, lend them a hand. Their entire racing community will greatly appreciate your help.

Help our Ventura, California race fans and surf to now.


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