SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Jennifer Ulmer's 2001 Mustang LX
Please meet Jennifer Ulmer, our very own Miss GurleyStang. Although the name is cute, don't let it fool you, for her car is far from girley. In fact, this Orangeburg, South Carolina native turns heads daily in this tricked out steed." Ever since I was a little girl I have loved Mustangs.  I don't really know what started it all but I'm guessing that I just knew how beautiful they were at an early age.  Mustangs were all I talked about and all that I wanted." ...
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Which is the most performance restrictive aspect of a stock 87-95 5.0?
The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
Result: 38%
The Stock Intake.
Result: 14%
Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
Result: 2%
Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
Result: 46%

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[12/02/2002] NMRA Introduces First Ever Pro 5.0 Entrant Support Program

By: -

After an extensive evaluation of its NMRA Pro 5.0 drag racing class, ProMedia Events has announced today that it will create an unprecedented Entrant Support Program in an effort to increase class participation in this top-tier category. In addition, the NMRA Ford Drag Racing Series administration is currently working to develop a five-year long-term strategic plan for the Pro 5.0 class direction that will build a firm foundation for the class.

"The NMRA is the preeminent street legal drag racing series in America," ProMedia''s Charlie Harmon states, "and we realize that it is critical for the NMRA and Ford drag racing to grow this headlining class. This program is designed to retain current racing teams and attract new participants in the NMRA Pro 5.0 class in 2003 and beyond."

Beginning with the 2003 racing season, the NMRA Pro 5.0 Entrant Support Program affirms NMRA''s commitment to invest in its racing teams and to provide them increased guaranteed exposure and marketing opportunities.

NMRA''s Entrant Support Program, which is limited to 16 teams, is available to current Pro 5.0 racers as well as new entrants. Pro 5.0 competitors will be eligible for the program by committing to attend at least six of eight NMRA 2003 national events. The program is provided at no charge to the entrants, although entry fees are required to be pre-paid for the year. The goal of this program is to help Pro 5.0 teams increase marketability and help them increase the value of their investment and lower the cost structure of competing in this class.

Complete details of the NMRA Pro 5.0 Entrant Support Program are included below. Competitors interested in more information on the NMRA Pro 5.0 program should contact ProMedia Event Division Director Charlie Harmon at

A: Exposure / Marketing Opportunities (100% Guaranteed)

1) Television Interview / Car Feature Opportunity: NMRA will guarantee to each Pro 5.0 competitor a minimum of one nationally broadcast television interview on a cable network. For the 2003 season the NMRA television coverage will be aired on ESPN-2 cable television reaching over 85 million households in the United States. During this interview/team profile the driver will have the opportunity to discuss the team''s performance and mention sponsors. During this profile the Pro 5.0 vehicle will be shown.

2) Radio Interview Opportunity: NMRA will guarantee to each Pro 5.0 competitor a minimum of two radio interviews in two different regional markets in the United States. The NMRA Ford Nationals uses electronic radio advertising and advance radio publicity widely in each event market. During these radio interviews typically the competitor will be asked to talk about the upcoming NMRA event, the Pro 5.0 team/profile, and be permitted to mention associated sponsors. Although the radio station''s reach and rankings can vary from market to market, NMRA generally buys top-tier radio stations in each region fitting the desirable male 18-49 demographic.

3) Print Advertising: NMRA will provide one full-color full-page, or two full-color half-page print advertisements at no cost to the entrant in the Race Pages, the NMRA publication, during the race season, for the Pro 5.0 team to promote its sponsorship relationships, enhance sponsorship recognition, and provide a team profile to interested fans. NMRA will provide the ProMedia design department to assist with the ad production, if desired. Race Pages reaches over 40,000 enthusiasts each month.

4) Main Front Image on One NMRA National Event Flyer: NMRA will guarantee the following for each competitor in the Pro 5.0 Entrant Support Program: The entrant''s Pro 5.0 vehicle photo*, head shot photo, and name will be featured on the front (main) image of the official NMRA Event Flyer for a minimum of one national event. At least 30,000 flyers will be produced and distributed pre-event via direct mail and regional marketing for this national event. Additional flyers can be provided to Pro 5.0 team for internal distribution and promotional purposes.

5) 2003 NMRA National Event Flyers: The entrant''s Pro 5.0 vehicle photo* and name will be be featured in the official NMRA Event Flyer for every national event as a "Pro 5.0 Superstar". Over 250,000 event flyers will be distributed nationwide during each event season. Additional flyers can be provided to Pro 5.0 team for internal distribution and promotional purposes.

6) 2003 NMRA Series Official Poster: The entrant''s Pro 5.0 vehicle photo* and name will be be featured in the official NMRA 2003 Series poster. Over 35,000 posters will be printed and distributed nationwide. Additional posters can be provided to Pro 5.0 team for internal distribution and promotional purposes.

6) Hero Card Promotion: NMRA will design, produce, and print 2,500 full color "Hero Cards" for each Pro 5.0 team in the Entrant Support Program. Each Hero Card will include Pro 5.0 vehicle photos, team profile, images, sponsor logos, and driver information. NMRA will provide 1,200 Hero Cards directly to Pro 5.0 team and the remainder will be retained for each event''s autograph signing session.

7) Pro 5.0 Superstars Poster: NMRA will design, produce, and print 5,000 full color posters to promote the "NMRA Pro 5.0 Superstars." As part of this promotion, each Pro 5.0 team will have a minimum of one vehicle photo* and driver’s name on the poster. Additional posters can be provided to Pro 5.0 team for internal distribution and promotional purposes.

8) Pro 5.0 Autograph Session: As part of the Pro 5.0 Entrant Support Program, each Pro 5.0 driver will be obligated to participate in a 30-45-minute autograph signing session at each NMRA national event. NMRA will designate the area and prov


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