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Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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EEC-IV Adaptive Control. Your best friend or your worst nightmare?
Welcome to the wonderful world of EEC electronics! (pronounced "EEK") This is the first in a series of articles here on The Mustang Works dealing with the EEC. We will be discussing various aspects of the EEC in a Mustang. By understanding how the EEC controls the engine, hopefully you'll get a better idea of why some changes to your engine may or may not perform as you expected. Through a series of articles, we will go through major sections of the EEC and how they work with common aftermarke...
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[02/14/2003] Pro 5.0 racer Bill Rimmer commits to compete in NMRA Pro 5.0 Class for the 2003 Event Season

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ProMedia Events and the NMRA Jet Hot Ford Drag Racing Series are proud to announce that Bill Rimmer has committed to run the NMRA Pro 5.0 series for the 2003 season. The first NMRA national event that Rimmer will attend will be the 2nd Annual Bassani Xhaust Ford Nationals in Reynolds, GA, April 5-6. Rimmer will be competing with a brand new Pro 5.0 car, coming after a yearlong break from Pro 5.0 due to a tragic season-ending accident.

Bill Rimmer will be competing in Pro 5.0 with a brand new combination this season – including a fresh tube chassis built by the team of Danny Bytnyr and Eric Mangun. The engine, built by Steve Petty and Doug Patton, features an awesome 408 cubic inch small block ford with a Pro-Charger F3MM supercharger, and is powerful enough for Rimmer to look to run in the high 6 second zone. Rimmer is known nationally for his respected ability to get a Pro 5.0 race car down a difficult race track under the most challenging weather conditions.

As part of his commitment to the entire NMRA Racing Series, Bill Rimmer has signed on board with the NMRA’s Pro 5.0 driver support program, designed to help the Pro 5.0 drivers get guaranteed national media coverage. Rimmer was a major advocate of the program, saying “this program is going to revolutionize the industry and the way that drivers are treated…this is the best thing to come into this racing in a long time.”

Rimmer enters the NMRA 2003 Pro 5.0 season with a lot of help along the way, from both his sponsors and his fans, and would like to give special thanks to his partners Step-Con Construction, Southern Gear, Granatelli Motorsports, ProCharger, Reliable Sanitation, and Fred Murkley. Rimmer would not be able to compete without this critical support, such as Granatelli Motorsports, who “helped and believed in me when I was at my rock bottom,” and Fred Murkley, who gave $10,000 of his own money to make sure Rimmer would be able to return to Pro 5.0.

The well-liked driver earned top honors during the 2001 NMRA Ford Drag Racing Series, with Rimmer winning two NMRA Pro 5.0 events in Michigan and Illinois with his 2000 Mustang. According to NMRA V.P. of Event Development, Charlie Harmon, “Bill Rimmer is one of the most popular Pro 5.0 drivers on the circuit, and we at the NMRA are proud to make Rimmer and his ProCharger, Step-Con, Southern Gear, Granatelli Motorsports – backed Pro 5.0 team a part of the complete NMRA 2003 5th Anniversary tour. We will promote Bill Rimmer’s effort as aggressively as we know how, and he will be a major treat to the fans at each NMRA series stop.”

SOURCE: ProMedia


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