SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Jennifer Ulmer's 2001 Mustang LX
Please meet Jennifer Ulmer, our very own Miss GurleyStang. Although the name is cute, don't let it fool you, for her car is far from girley. In fact, this Orangeburg, South Carolina native turns heads daily in this tricked out steed." Ever since I was a little girl I have loved Mustangs.  I don't really know what started it all but I'm guessing that I just knew how beautiful they were at an early age.  Mustangs were all I talked about and all that I wanted." ...
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Which is the most performance restrictive aspect of a stock 87-95 5.0?
The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
Result: 38%
The Stock Intake.
Result: 14%
Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
Result: 2%
Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
Result: 46%

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[04/09/2003] Mustangs Across America 2004 - 40th Anniversary Drive

By: -

Announcing the Mustang Drive of a Lifetime!

Sunday 4/11: Los Angeles, CA to Flagstaff, AZ
Monday 4/12: Flagstaff, AZ to Santa Rosa, NM
Tuesday 4:13: Santa Rosa, NM to Mustang, OK
Wednesday 4/14: Mustang, OK to Little Rock, AR
Thursday 4/15: Little Rock, AR to Nashville, TN

Once in your life you get the chance to be a part of something big, a real opportunity that is a sure thing. Mustangs Across America 2004 for presents you with this opportunity.

In April, the MCA 40th Anniversary Celebration will write a new chapter of history in the Mustang Legend. The largest Mustang show in the land will host Mustangs of all vintages, all genres, and from all over the world. It will be the show of shows. Even the 2005 Mustang will be there, adding a new paradigm of magic to the Legend

En Masse

Leaving Southern California a group of Mustangs will blaze across the high desert tracing the footsteps of old Route 66. Ghosts of America''s mother road will smile upon us as the stampede grows to a thundering pulse across the heartland. Through Flagstaff, AZ the ponies splash out into the great wide open across colorful New Mexico and the great divide. Mustang clubs and enthusiasts along the way will be joining in and showing us their hospitality. In Mustang, OK the fever pitch rises as more cars from north and south join in. From that day forward the convoy doubles in size each day through Little Rock, Memphis and then Nashville. The stampede takes over the freeway and parades into the heart of what will become Mustangville, TN for the weekend. They don''t'' call it Mustang City for nuthin.

Good Vibrations

Nothing makes a quest more fun than having your brothers in arms along for the ride. In the days leading to Nashville you will meet people, see cars, and experience things you never have before. New friends from all over the country will be made, stories will grow, and legends will be born. Each overnight stop is a new opportunity to show your car, meet new Mustang enthusiasts and see new places. The excitement and enthusiasm grows each day as everyone becomes more focused on the goal - Nashville!

Good Company

Mustangs Across America is organized by a team of experienced enthusiasts who have ridden the range a few times and know what it takes to run a stampede. This team organized the 1994 30th Anniversary Drive which had over 200 Mustangs registered from over 40 states and three countries. MAA has organize many other Mustang driving events since then. Mustang Clubs all across America work in unison to assist and plan parts of the event in their hometowns. Local planning is where the rubber hits the road as we work with local chambers of commerce, businesses, hotels, and restaurants to create the best setting and logistics for our event. No one is more experienced at planning a momentous Mustang driving event like Team MAA!

Ready To Go?

To be a part of the grand adventure we require you register for the event. There is an entry fee of $20 which can be paid online with a credit or debit card, or by mail with a check.

Paid Entry Includes:

• A detailed commemorative printed travel guide with detailed information, schedules, and listings for hotels, restaurants, and stops. • Numbered window placard • Discounted hotel rates at MAA HQ hotel/motels • Commemorative MAA namebadges •Exclusive online resources, information and updates on the event available only to registered participants. • Other kool stuff we have not thought of yet!

Mustang Enthusiasts can log into to register for the event!

Mustangs Across America Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the hotel / motel arrangements?

We secure the locations for our overnight stops in each city. Working with locals, we choose spots which have the best possible balance of cost, logistical values, and a good neighborhood. We will typically list 2-3 hotels/motels for you to choose from in each stop in which to make your own reservations. (MAA registration does not automatically make your reservations or include hotel costs) We will have an MAA HQ Hotel in each location that will offer discounted rates for registered participants.

Will there be security for cars at overnight stops?

We are a community of enthusiasts on the road. Like a small town of residents, you as a citizen are encouraged to work with others to create a security team if you desire. MAA event management is not currently planning on a security staff at this time. In past events, we have had very few if any issues regarding security at night. Some hotels/motels do have their own security, but we cannot promise it.

Is it safe to take my concours show car on the convoy?

That is a question you have to answer on your own. We have had several people in past events log thousands of miles on concours quality show cars and then win at the show. The key is taking steps to protect the car against road wear. A bra is helpful to prevent pitting and chips. Removing expensive spinner wheel covers is recommended. It is purely a choice you have to make based on your own comfort level.

What does it cost to go on the trip?

Gas prices will fluctuate. You can count on an average of 400 miles per day. Take your MPG and use that to figure your gas price. As an example, 18 MPG at $1.85 per gallon is around $40 per day give or take. Obviously gas prices from one end of the country to other vary and in our current eco-political climate change from week to week. As of this writing in March of 2003, gas prices in California are around $2.00 per gallon, but are as low as $1.45 in much of the mid-west and plains states. You can check the prices today at:

Secondly, hotels each night will likely average $60-70 including taxes. This may change


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