SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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FEATURED article
Jennifer Ulmer's 2001 Mustang LX
Please meet Jennifer Ulmer, our very own Miss GurleyStang. Although the name is cute, don't let it fool you, for her car is far from girley. In fact, this Orangeburg, South Carolina native turns heads daily in this tricked out steed." Ever since I was a little girl I have loved Mustangs.  I don't really know what started it all but I'm guessing that I just knew how beautiful they were at an early age.  Mustangs were all I talked about and all that I wanted." ...
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Which is the most performance restrictive aspect of a stock 87-95 5.0?
The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
Result: 38%
The Stock Intake.
Result: 14%
Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
Result: 2%
Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
Result: 46%

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[05/20/2003] NMRA Columbus 2003 Photo Archive

By: -

Feature Editor, Rudy Rouweyha, attended the NMRA event in Columbus, Ohio ealier this month and photographed much of the racing. We''ve just added 238 photos from the event to the Media Center. So, make sure to check out the great shots in our NMRA Columbus 2003 archive!

Race Winners

Pro 5.0

Winner: Randy Eakins (7.267 @ 190.38 mph)
Runner-up: Jeff Allebach (9.254 @ 96.78 mph)

Super Street Outlaw

Winner: John Urist (7.860 @ 178.68 mph)
Runner-up: Runner-up (8.012 @ 158.63 mph)

EFI Renegade

Winner: Donna Sydor (9.079 @ 150.68 mph)
Runner-up: Mike Post (19.462 @ 52.50 mph)

Hot Street

Winner: Shane Long (9.214 @ 147.78 mph)
Runner-up: Charlie Booze (9.340 @ 146.32 mph)

Drag Radial

Winner: Chris Little ( 9.030 @ 160.96 mph)
Runner-up: Phillip Clemmons (9.103 @ 153.70 mph)

Real Street

Winner: Brian Meyer (10.231 @ 134.58 mph)
Runner-up: Robin Lawrence (10.425 @ 131.15 mph)

Pure Street

Winner: Darin Hendricks (10.793 @ 123.75 mph)
Runner-up: Gene Hindman (10.732 @ 125.62 mph)

Factory Stock

Winner: Michael Washington (11.826 @ 114.20 mph)
Runner-up: Jamie Holten (11.912 @ 114.32 mph)

Modular Muscle

Winner: Gregory Flatt (12.086 @ 110.04 mph)
Runner-up: Darleene Hrdlicka (13.850 @ 89.39 mph)

Wild Street

Winner: Bill Klein (9.159)
Todd McCord 10.542 - Runner Up - Knight of Ohio
Mike Gonzales 11.140 11-SEC Winner
Richle Oneil 12.326 12-SEC Winner
Brian Sampson 13.034 13-SEC Winner
Eddie Edwards 14.060 14-SEC Winner
Jay Arbuckle 15.036 15-SEC Winner

Truck & Lightning

Winner: Mark Morales (9.845 @ 131.13 mph)
Runner-up: Duane Bradley (13.435 @ 102.85 mph)

Open Comp

Winner: Bryan Hockenberry (11.326 @ 98.56 mph)
Runner-up: Phil Paulini (10.635 @ 123.01 mph)


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