SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Stand Tall: A how-to on tall valve covers
As we make our Mustangs go faster we make changes to the valvetrain that at some point necessitate taller than stock valve covers to fit. Some like the "racy" look of taller valve covers but to the hard core enthusiast they serve a bigger purpose. The most common reason to use tall valve covers is to be able to fit aftermarket roller rockers and valvetrain stabilizers more commonly known as stud girdles. However, before you decide to simply bolt on a set of those polished, tall, Motorsport val...
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Which is the most performance restrictive aspect of a stock 87-95 5.0?
The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
Result: 38%
The Stock Intake.
Result: 14%
Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
Result: 2%
Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
Result: 46%

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[07/29/2003] TONS of new open track event photos posted

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Thanks to our illustrious Corner Carvers Delight message forum moderator, Darius Rudis, we''ve now added several hundred photos to our open track photo section in the Media Center. We''ve now posted photos from the recent SAAC-MCR Show and Go at Gingerman raceway AND photos from the recent NASA racing event at Gingerman raceway. Also, don''t miss our previous additions from the SVTOA event at Gingerman also.

For those who aren''t familiar with these locations/events... Gingerman raceway is an open track course located on the west side of lower Michigan. SAAC-MCR is the Shelby American Automobile Club (Motor City Region), NASA is the National Auto Sport Association (they run the American Iron Series), and SVTOA is the Ford SVT Owners Association.



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