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Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
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State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
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[05/03/2005] NMRA US131 race report and photos

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May 2, 2005 - The weekend started off cool and sunny, and itseemed as though the 2nd Annual Toyo Tires NMRA Ford Nationalswould be a record-breaking event in the NMRA-Denso Ford Series.Representatives from Toyo Tires and Ford Motor Company were onthe premises, and all were excited about the weekend''sfestivities. Despite a very poor weather forecast, over 150 NMRAheads-up class cars were on the property to win over $30,000 incash and over $250,000 in contingency. And although the eventenjoyed nice but cool weather on Friday and Saturday, the poorweather predictions became a reality on Sunday with temperaturesin the high 30.s with periodic rainfall. It was hard to believethat Martin experienced 80-degree weather only two weeks prior.

Although NMRA Competition Director Gene Bergstrom dideverything in his power to get the event finished, the NMRA wasforced to send everyone home on Sunday around 4:30 pm with onlya few rounds of eliminations left. While most of the NMRA-DensoFord Drag Racing series classes only got through first orsecond rounds, the NMRA was able to complete eliminations inthe DiabloSport Pro 5.0 class on Sunday. Top qualifier, DonWalsh Jr., went home Saturday night after hurting his enginepretty severely during qualifying. Tom Jacobs of Rapid City, MItook home the win in his 1967 Mustang with 7.24 e.t. at 189.92mph. His competition, Joe Morgan, of Sherpsburg, GA.,experienced a bright yellow and red nitrous backfire, endinghis shot at Jacobs.

The Hedman Hedders Wild Street Class, headed by Mike Bruns, wasrun smoothly on Saturday afternoon. The cruise took place around2:00 pm and was completed by all but one of the sixteen entrants,including Rod Short, Editor of Sportsman Drag Racing. After theirthree consecutive rounds on the track, the win went to MattGrundy, from Grant, MI., with an average of 11.06 in his .92Mustang. Only one car was disqualified after the cruise, but twocars broke between rounds making it quite an exciting event!

Ed Svoboda, NMRA Car Show Director, and the Motor CityTerminators, the official host car club, were very happy to havebeen able to get in their car show competition in on bothSaturday and Sunday before the weather set in. The Best of Showsix foot trophy and Edelbrock Gift Certificate was awarded toLarry Sisson of Pinckney, MI., with his pristine 1965 Mustang.

On Saturday the Dial-In for Dollars Bracket Challenge provideda bit of extra excitement. This competition features thebracket racing cars of the NMRA, who can buy into an extra timerun and compete for 50% of the pot. The racer who runs closestto their dial-in wins. This weekend that lucky person wasWillie Emerson of Mattawan, MI. Willie ran a 9.051 on a 9.05,sweeping the competition away and going home with an extra $100cash in his pocket.

Other than Diablosport Pro 5.0, all of the other classes willcomplete their eliminations in Reading, PA., at the 21st AnnualToyo Tires NMRA Ford Motorsport Nationals at Maple Grove Racewayheld on June 10-12, 2005. Another press release will be issuedwith more specific information, but the make up eliminations willbe completed on Friday and Saturday of the event duringqualifying. The NMRA-Denso Ford Nationals series would like tothank everyone that came out to Martin this past weekend,including Toyo Tires, Denso, and Ford Motor Company, and wesincerely thank you for your support and dedication to the NMRAand to Ford Drag Racing.

SOURCE: ProMedia Publishing


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