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Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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EEC-IV Adaptive Control. Your best friend or your worst nightmare?
Welcome to the wonderful world of EEC electronics! (pronounced "EEK") This is the first in a series of articles here on The Mustang Works dealing with the EEC. We will be discussing various aspects of the EEC in a Mustang. By understanding how the EEC controls the engine, hopefully you'll get a better idea of why some changes to your engine may or may not perform as you expected. Through a series of articles, we will go through major sections of the EEC and how they work with common aftermarke...
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Which is the most performance restrictive aspect of a stock 87-95 5.0?
The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
Result: 38%
The Stock Intake.
Result: 14%
Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
Result: 2%
Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
Result: 46%

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[11/07/2005] NMRA-Denso Ford Drag Racing Series is Proud to Announce the World Champions of the 2005 Season

By: -

With a total of nine events over the course of seven months, the2005 NMRA-Denso Ford Drag Racing season kept all of us on ourfeet and proved to be yet another successful racing season.Although lucky enough not to lose a single entire event to theweather as in 2004, the NMRA did struggle with the unusuallyfreezing cold weather in Martin and unbearable heat for almostthe rest of the summer.

The NMRA would like to extend a special thank you to all of ourdedicated participants. It is our participants that have madethis organization what it is today and we hope have you all backfor many years to come. The NMRA would also like to congratulatethe 2005 NMRA Denso Ford Nationals Champions. It was an excitingas well as competitive year of NMRA Ford Drag Racing and the NMRAis happy to announce the following Champions:

DiabloSport Pro 5.0: Don Walsh, Jr.
MSD Super Street Outlaw: Manny Buginga
Vortech Outlaw 10.5: Jim Briante
Edelbrock Hot Street: Charlie Booze Jr
ProCharger EFI Renegade: Scott Lovell
BFG Drag Radial: Chris Tuten
5.0 Magazine Real Street: Brian Meyer
Tremec Pure Street: Gene
Hindman K&N Factory Stock: Shawn Johnson
Vortech Modular Muscle: Ed Hicks
Toyo Tires Open Comp: Bruce Parker
Detroit Locker Truck & Lightning: Keith Captain Kohlmann

In DiabloSport Pro 5.0, Don Walsh, Jr. took home thechampionship once again with an even 1,000 points above the 2Xrunner up, Michael Hauf. Manny Buginga swept away the MSD SuperStreet Outlaw class leaving his runner up, Don Burton, 1360points behind him. The Vortech Outlaw 10.5 class, which was ranat only three of our 2005 events, is led by Jim Briante withBryan Markiewicz running up not too far behind. In EdelbrockHot Street, Charlie Booze, Jr. took home the Championship forthe 2nd year in a row with a lead of 1145 over the runner up,Dan Paolini.

Anyone who has ever migrated to the Swill Rig after a days hardwork at the track will be happy to know that Scott Lovell hastaken home his first Championship in the ProCharger EFI Renegadeclass. It was a close call, however, with Kurt Gallant takingrunner up by only 260 points. The Championship in the BFGoodwichDrag Radial class was even closer with Chris Tuten taking thenumber 1 spot by a meager 75 points over the 2004 Champion,Phillip Clemmons. Brian Meyer also the Championship from its 2004owner in the 5.0 Magazine Real Street class, finishing 579 pointsover Tim Matherly. In the Tremec Pure Street class, Gene Hindmanmoved up a position from 2004, bringing home the championshipwith a 4620 points, putting Brad Meadows in 2nd place with only3495 points.

Shawn Johnson, however, moved up two positions from 2004 puttinghimself in the number one spot in K&N Factory Stock, leading JeffSchmell by 1170 points. In Voretch Modular Muscle, theChampionship was almost a tie with Ed Hicks and Tom Motycka bothfinishing with 3150 points. However, since Mr. Hicks attendedmore events than Mr. Motycka, he earned the championship. TheChampion of the Toyo Tires Open Comp class went to Bruce Parkerwith a total of 3450 points, followed by runner up Jeremy Gillamwith 400 points behind him. And last but not least, KeithCaptain Kohlmann took the Championship in the Detroit LockerTruck & Lightning class leading Randy Henry by 900 points.

Congratulations to all of the above Champions and thank you toall of our 2005 NMRA competitors. We hope to see you all inOrlando in December!


NMRA Announces the 2005 Top 10 Signature Award Nominations

The following racers have been chosen by the NMRA for theiroutstanding sportsmanship or racing skill.

Chris Tumpkins
Jimmy Barry
Phil Hines
Jonathan Paulk
Jeff Rasmussen
Job Spetter Jr.
Adelbertus Kelkboom
Victor Downs
Jim Gilmour
Mr. Briante "Mr. B"
Bob Cook
Don Bowles
Adam Smith
Michael Young
Pat Speer

A total of ten winners will be selected form this list ofnominees, along with the winners of the 2005 Specialty Awards,the Signature Awards winners will be announced at the 2005 NMRAAwards Ceremony.


NMRA Awards Ceremony at the PRI Trade Show

For more information on the 2005 NMRA Awards Ceremony including information on how to RSVP for reserved seating, log on to:

Deadline to RSVP is November 11th!


Vortech Outlaw 10.5 Remains a Specialty Event in 2006

We are pleased to announce that all competition eliminators willbe returning for the 2006 NMRA-Denso Ford Drag Racing Seriesseason. The NMRA is currently in negotiations with VortechSuperchargers to continue the awesome Vortech Outlaw 10.5 classwill that we plan to run at select three (3) events during the2006 NMRA/DENSO racing season. Please keep an eye for updates on which events this specialtyclass will be run in 2006.



ESPN2 has recently changed their air time for the 7th AnnualNitto Tire NMRA World Finals coverage. Please for details.

1st Showing: 10/30/05 SUN 12:00 PM EST
2nd Showing: 11/6/05 SUN 1:30 AM EST

SOURCE: ProMedia


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