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Year: 1992
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Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
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[12/20/2007] Lance Cunningham Ford named top Roush® dealer for 2007

By: -

Lance Cunningham Ford in Knoxville, Tenn., received an early Christmas present by being named the top dealer for ROUSH® Performance in 2007. This is the first time that the dealership has won this overall title which combines ROUSH vehicle and parts sales.

ROUSH Performance now has more than 475 dealers across the United States and Canada, so being named the top overall dealer is quite an accomplishment.

"We are very excited about the level that everyone at Lance Cunningham Ford stepped up to this year," said Joe Thompson, general manager of ROUSH Performance. "In what has generally been viewed as a 'down' market, Lance Cunningham Ford really outperformed and represented our brand well. We certainly congratulate them on the outstanding year that they had with the ROUSH brand."

Brandon Ford (Tampa, Fla.), the overall sales leader for the past several years, ended up as the second largest ROUSH dealer in 2007, followed by newcomer Marlow Ford (Luray, Va.). Rounding out the top five overall ROUSH dealers for 2007 were Sanderson Ford (Glendale, Ariz.) and Frontier Ford (Santa Clara, Calif.).

Taking a look at the specific categories, Lance Cunningham Ford was also the best in ROUSH vehicle sales, while Sanderson Ford led all dealers in ROUSH parts volume.

"We are very proud of our entire dealer base as ROUSH had a record sales year," added Thompson. "The ROUSH-authorized Ford dealers still represent the largest source of product information and distribution for our company and those that sell our brand were able to keep a portion of store traffic, sales volume and dealership profits that may have otherwise gone elsewhere. We thank every dealer for the effort they put into the ROUSH brand this year."

Though the overall market for vehicle sales seems to have slowed significantly, many dealers are discovering that the demand for performance vehicles and parts remains high. Consequently, those outlets that carry ROUSH products are finding a new profit center and able to supplement their sales during a challenging economic period.

SOURCE: Roush Performance

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