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Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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351 Screamer: Lidio Iacobelli is ready to make headlines again
Ok, admit it. At one time or another you've sat around dreaming about the ultimate Mustang you'd like to build. Heads, cam, blower, and nitrous included, of course. What seperates Mustang owners; however, is that some make their dream come true. Some owners have connections, some get sponsers, and most just spend lots of money to make it happen. Then once in a while, someone comes along that not only makes their dream happen, but helps to make ours happen as well. Lidio Iacobelli...
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[11/23/2009] S3 Entertainment group partners with Roush Performance products to offer custom Michigan vehicles for film productions

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S3 Entertainment Group (S3), Michigan's largest feature film and episodic television production company, has partnered with Livonia, Mich.-based specialty-vehicle company ROUSH Performance Products to spotlight custom vehicles in Michigan film and television productions. Jeffrey Spilman, managing partner of S3, made the announcement.

To kick off the partnership, S3 is featuring several ROUSH 427R 2010 Ford Mustangs in The Wannabes, the first television series to ever be completely filmed in the state of Michigan. The Wannabes, a "tween" television series stars Savvy, a pop sensation that has toured extensively with Radio Disney, has been shooting in Howell and has helped put many Michigan residents to work. ROUSH will also be providing propane-powered vehicles to the Wannabes and to be used in future productions led by S3.

"S3 is thrilled to work together with ROUSH to showcase the best in Michigan made vehicles, products and services in films," said Spilman. "The growing Michigan film industry offers the perfect platform for ROUSH to present its custom vehicles to a larger audience."

"We're excited to break into television with The Wannabes as that is the type of program which is suitable for all members of the family and will have lasting appeal," said Joe Thompson, vice-president and general manager of ROUSH Performance. "The ROUSH Mustangs play a recurring role and we are excited to be working with S3 Entertainment Group on this project, and hopefully others in the future."

SOURCE: Roush Performance

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