SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Jennifer Ulmer's 2001 Mustang LX
Please meet Jennifer Ulmer, our very own Miss GurleyStang. Although the name is cute, don't let it fool you, for her car is far from girley. In fact, this Orangeburg, South Carolina native turns heads daily in this tricked out steed." Ever since I was a little girl I have loved Mustangs.  I don't really know what started it all but I'm guessing that I just knew how beautiful they were at an early age.  Mustangs were all I talked about and all that I wanted." ...
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Which is the most performance restrictive aspect of a stock 87-95 5.0?
The Stock Heads (E7TE's).
Result: 38%
The Stock Intake.
Result: 14%
Stock cam or someother components (TB, MAF, PCM, etc.).
Result: 2%
Both the Stock Heads and Intake suck the same, changing one with out the other is useless to you.
Result: 46%

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[10/07/2001] FFW Coverage: Records Broken at Ennis

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The Fun Ford Weekend World Finals are currently under way in Ennis, Texas and it is obvious that this years event has grown just from last year alone. There is an excellent turn out this weekend here at the Texas, Motorplex and the weather has turned out great. Friday it rained most of the day, and test-n-tune was not able to be run until after 6 PM. However, Saturday and Sunday has turned out to be in the low 70''s, sunny, and cool. Furthermore, since the pervious event in Cordova, IL was rained out after qualifying, the eliminations for Cordova were run here in Ennis on Saturday along with Ennis qualifying, which have been now posted.

The big news from qualifying on Saturday was John Mihovetz blistering qualifying run of 7.702 at 180.90 MPH to break his own current Mod Motor record of 8.180 at 167.28 MPH! Furthermore, no less than three racers ran passes below the current Pro 5.0 record of 6.98! Even though none of them have yet backed up these passes to create an official new record, there one time lows runs are astonishing. Doug Mangrum was able to lay down an insane pass of 6.763 at 204.59 MPH, Bill Rimmer burned off a 6.778 at 209.25 MPH, and Jim Summers was able to follow the act below the current record with a 6.838 at 206.42 pass, as well.

Unfortunately, the bad news is there was a wreck in trophy stock during qualifying involving Larry Felts and Kinson Cook. Just before the 1/8th mile mark Larry thinks he hit some type of debris on the track, which caused his left slick to loose traction. His car turned sideways heading directly towards Cook. Larry''s Mustang hit Cook, he bounced off cook causing him to spin around as he headed for the wall, hitting it. Bouncing off Cook probably saved Larry from going head on into the wall. At the same time, Cook''s Mustang swerved over towards the wall on the opposite side and spun around nearly avoiding a collision with it. Cook''s ride ended up with a decent amount of damage on the passenger side, but he was able to continue racing and complete the event. However, Larry Felts Mustang was seriously damaged and he is now out of competition. Make sure to watch the video clip of Larry and Kinson''s accident!



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